As a big fan of the Gainax and Khara teams, I’m looking forward to checking out the new Gundam Gquuuuuux. And so, in preparation I’ve decided to watch some other Gundam stuff, starting with Mobile Suit Gundam (0079) which I’ve just finished.

So my question for the fediverse today is: having just watched the original MSG '79, what do you recommend I check out next?

Should I just go chronologically? Jump between the “best” ones? Get a sample of series from the different timelines/continuities? What do you all think?

    2 months ago

    Not really advice, just sharing an experience.

    I started watching it in release order. I got burnt out and had trouble with double zeta due to the shift in tone. I really liked Witch From Mercury, but I haven’t been able to drag myself back.