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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I am working with an in-house “rapid development team.” They have rigorous intake, story and task break down, scheduling of sprints, QA, definition of done, integration test coverage, E2E and min 90% unit test coverage etc. etc.

    They have a strict policy of “no code comments, self documenting code only.” They will go in and remove comments that my DevOps team puts in there, because it screws up that policy.

    Luckily, we adopted the policy of having local branches with these comments in place. Once they move beyond the project, we’re putting them in.

  • The NFT as ownership should really become the standard. Instead of having any people “authorizing” yadadada it’s done completely by machine and traceable.

    No middlemen needed. Just I own x, this says I own x. I can sell you x, and you get ownership of x immediately. No “waiting 45 days to close” or “2 day transaction close” or even “title search verification.” Too many middlemen benefitting from the current system to allow NFT to replace them though. That’s the actual challenge.

  • I’m actually pleasantly surprised on what ChatGPT can generate for me. It doesn’t usually take care of the detailed parts, but like I was able to have it spin up an android application skeleton that I could throw a couple of actions on I needed to test something with.

    I’ve seen it generate very useful YAML and such. I still have to do a fair amount of work to make it behave how I need, but I really enjoy the ability to skip the filler bullshit in my work.