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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • masterspace@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    Anxiety isn’t a plague of the 21st century, it’s a fundamental aspect of the human condition.

    We did not evolve on top of the food chain living in relative paradise, we evolved as prey animals who could be eaten by a bear at any moment (or another group, or just slip and break our legs and die).

    Anxiety, even when everything seems ok, is the evolutionary response that has kept us alive. In previous centuries we still just had tons of stuff to blame our anxiety on, the main difference with now is just that so many people are living lives of such little hardship and yet are still anxious, that it’s making everyone go ‘now hol up a second, I think this might not be entirely rational’, and it’s not and never was. Anxiety is a natural emotional response / state that causes our logical brain to cast about looking for things to ascribe it to.

  • masterspace@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlMy poor RAM...
    1 year ago

    No need to have costly MSc’s for backend or full-stack work.

    Lmao where are you seeing backend shops just full of MSc’s writing new sorting algorithm and arguing about the BigO notation of their problem?

    I’ve worked at Fortune 500 and MAANG companies, and the overwhelming vast majority of backend engineers that I’ve seen have BScs at best.

    It doesn’t even make logical sense in the context of your argument given that Electron is purely a frontend technology. It has no bearing on your backend costs or how many backend engineers you need if you’re building your frontend natively or with Electron.

  • masterspace@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlMy poor RAM...
    1 year ago


    Native app for each platform:

    • Pros: native code is going to be the fastest possible to run and have the smallest dependencies
    • Cons: have to write all your code 3+ times in different languages, have less time to develop new features and optimize existing code.

    Progressive Web App:

    • Pros: single app, write once runs anywhere, no signing keys, no lock in, can be hosted anywhere, runs on everything
    • Cons: artificially limited by Apple on iOS, doesn’t have access to deep operating system resources, only what’s exposed through the browser, limited multithreading capabilities

    React Native:

    • Pros: single app, write once, runs anywhere, similar enough to React Web that a lot of developers will have an easy time learning it
    • Cons: still kinda finnicky, not super easy to make it work and perform well across all platforms, you’ll probably still end up having to write some native code, not actually CSS / React Web so still a bit of a learning curve coming from there


    • Pros: single app, write once, runs anywhere, low level / compiled means that it will be small and performant
    • Cons: written in C++, harder to find developers for, harder to implement modern out of the box niceties that CSS gives you for free, poor devX compared to react

    .NET MAUI (formerly Xamarin):

    • Pros: single app, write once, runs anywhere, low level / compiled enough to be more performant than most web apps out of the box, well documented
    • Cons: written in C#, easier to find devs for but not many experts in it specifically, MVVM model is not as pleasant of a devX as React, again no css


    • Pros: single app, write once, runs anywhere, has full access to operating system resources and deep multithreading if needed, can be as simple as web app in a container or as complex as something like VSCode.
    • Cons: takes up more storage and ram since you’re bundling chromium with your app

  • masterspace@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlMy poor RAM...
    1 year ago

    You ever notice how everything installs and uninstalls super cleanly and easily these days and software gets consistent regular updates?

    That’s because developers stopped min/maxing storage and started bundling all of an application’s dependencies with it instead of trying to rely on globally installed packages and frameworks that can break or be missing or lead to dependency hell.

    No one likes larger download sizes and more storage being used but the tradeoff is by and large worth it.

  • But it is in no way worse than javascript in that regard, though?

    No, but OPs original post was implying that it was better than JavaScript, when in my mind they’re pretty similar in that regard, with the major exception that there is no python equivalent of Typescript which is rapidly passing JavaScript in professional settings.

    I don’t think static typing in Python is really so essential. I see it above all as a scripting language, so its applications don’t benefit as much from static typing as other languages do.

    For a scripting language it’s fine, but problems arise when you start building giant applications with it (which does happen).

  • masterspace@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlProgramming Languages
    1 year ago

    It’s wild that Python is getting a shoutout over javascript despite being an even bigger loosely typed mess.

    I think it’s partially because Python has a reputation as being a serious language for serious people because it’s popular amongst data scientists and academics, whereas Javascript is still seen as being popular amongst script kiddies and people building crappy websites for $100 / pop.

    That being said, most of the time i hear javascript jokes at work they’re pretty tongue in cheek /ironic / the dev isn’t really hating on it. I have heard a dev or two make those javascript jokes with a more serious critical tone, and everyone tends to ignore them and not engage because they’re pretty clearly just haters who have a general tendency to dislike popular things.