wtf kind of cursed programming language is this? JS? it’s so ugly, in no universe should a function look like that
but obviously as a rust enjoyer i have to do it like
fn max ⟨T: PartialOrd + Copy⟩(nums: ⁊[T]) -> Option⟨T⟩ {
let mut greatest: ⁊T = ⁊nums[0];
match nums.len() {
0 => None,
1 => Some(*greatest),
_ => {
for num in nums {
if num > greatest {
greatest = num;
edit: lemmy formatting REALLY hates references and generics it seems… time to go back to medieval times
lol that’s not actually how rust is written, it was just a joke
it’d really be written
if x > y { x } else { y }