• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Would you be interested in having different versions of this? I briefly scrolled the list of communities, and they seem very developer/tech-focused, which I suppose lemmy is. But I think it would be neat to have a tech/Linux/developer seeder, a humor seeder (memes, comics, funny, etc.), a sports seeder, a cute seeder (cats, puppies, animals, etc.), a gaming seeder, etc. Then the admin could decide what type of seeder they want instead of just getting everything, potentially with tons of things they aren’t interested in having on their instance.

    I say this because I am interested in sports communities and don’t see enough of it, but the number one complaint I see on lemmy regarding content type is that there’s too much sports content. I moderate a sports community, but I wouldn’t feel right adding it to the seeder since so many people complain about seeing it.

  • I do this just so I can be aware of what’s going on because it makes less work for me during work hours. It have silent notifications on for that app, so it doesn’t interrupt what I’m doing. I pretty much only read the subject line unless it pertains to me personally. It really only takes a few seconds out of my day, but it makes it so I don’t need to start earlier and I can review my emails before my scrum starts at 9 AM. I start working at like 8:50 AM to get logged into my VPN and everything, while some of my coworkers start at 8 AM to review all their emails before scrum.

  • I work with a team in a time zone about 12 hours off of mine, so we are almost never online at the same time. I sent one guy on that team a message at 3AM his time, and he got all annoyed that I was expecting him to work at 3AM, and I was like no dude, just respond when you start working. So now whenever I sent messages to that guy, I always prefix some text about how this isn’t urgent and to ignore it until his work hours start.

  • Oh, that’s probably the app. So, the way Android does infinite scroll, it takes a lot of resources to create a “view” (the thing that holds the details of a post), so as you scroll, when a view goes off screen, it gets reused instead of destroying it and creating a new one. This is called a recycler view. When a view gets recycled, it is supposed to replace the details that are unique to each post (title, image, etc.) and keep any other detais (any text that might be common to all posts, any sub views like upvote and downvote, etc.). But if your logic isn’t right, sometimes something might get kept instead of replaced when the view is recycled.

    I remember making this mistake the first time I used a recycler view back when I was working on my senior project in college, many years ago now. I don’t remember how I fixed it or the exact details around why it happened, but I know that I did fix it at one point.

  • Thank you for doing these regular updates. I find them very insightful. This is turning out to be a great release, and I’m very excited.

    Is there a timeline for instance-agnostic linking to posts and comments? Link to GitHub issue tracking this.I moderate a small sports community, and the lack of this feature is really impacting the user experience. We have threads for each game, but we can’t sticky a post with links to the ongoing games. Or rather, we can, but anyone not on the same instance that the link is pointing to will not be logged in after clicking it, and can’t comment or interact at all with the thread.

    I think this feature should be a candidate for the next major release, as it severely impacts new users who aren’t fully aware of how federated/instanced services work and that they are being redirected to another instance that may look the same but their account isn’t on.

  • When I was in college and learning programming, I believed that anything could be programmed. Anything was possible if you were good enough at programming. Then I joined the industry and learned just how stupid requests from product managers are.

    My favorite, and I have told this story dozens of times on the internet: we just got our first test board back from the manufacturer. It was our first product with a 64 bit processor. We get called into a meeting because the product manager read an article on the internet about how 64 bit processors can reduce battery life. Without any further info about under what conditions, if our use case meets those conditions, and by how much battery life could be reduced, the product manager asked me to write some code to emulate a 32 bit CPU on the 64 bit CPU so we aren’t affected by this battery life issue. Ignoring the fact that I am a Java developer that writes appcode and have no fucking clue about anything this close to the hardware, even if we did successfully emulate a 32 bit processor, there’s absolutely no guarantee that it would actually fix the issue, because at the end of the day, the hardware is physically a 64 bit processor, and since I didn’t read the article he was talking about, I have no clue what about the 64 bit processor might cause what was described. It could be something inherently about the hardware, I have no clue. I wouldn’t even be surprised if it was just a clickbait article and only in very specific situations your battery life could be reduced by 0.1%. Anyway, I told him I was pretty sure that was impossible, but I’m far from an expert in this field. He told me to do some research on it. So I played with my phone for the rest of the day and in the follow up meeting the next day, I told him I did a ton of research and that it was impossible.

  • Yeah, I guess that’s fair. I was a team lead for only like 2 weeks before my project was canceled, and yeah, I remember it being similar. I’m not sure I wrote a single line of code during those 2 weeks, though. I was too busy. Or maybe I did and I don’t remember, but since the project was canceled, it never came back to haunt me.

  • Dandroid@dandroid.apptoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlhaha patents
    1 year ago

    I have a private repo on GitHub that is private for this reason. I made it in a weekend for fun, and it’s honestly so bad. I have spent way longer fixing dumb mistakes that I spent developing the main features in the first place. But I learned a lot while doing it (and fixing it), and my current project that I’m working on is much, MUCH better. I do have it in a public repo.