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Nerd, truck driver, and kinda creeped that you’re reading this.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I don’t mean the act of embedding or direct linking in general, but in link aggregators these comics are well known for their alt text, which cannot be seen from the direct link.

    I think a good practice might be embedding the comic directly in your comment along with a “source” link.

  • I have ~160 users and have been up about two months. We have subscribers to pretty much every large community and hundreds of smaller ones, plus media heavy ones like the NSFW communities.

    Currently sitting at 6.6GB for Postgres (there was an update recently that drastically reduced the size, dunno exactly what it was at before), 54GB on pictrs/media. (I host the media on object storage, specifically Cloudflare R2)

    For memory I’m pushing 3GB now, with Postgres taking about 1.5GB. That’s higher than it used to be, might be related to the update that reduced the DB size.

    CPU: I have a cheap 2 core x86 virtual server/vps - and haven’t seen it go over 10% during normal operations…

    To answer your question directly though, the most work is OUTGOING federation. So it really depends on how active your communities are/how many unique instances subscribe.

  • Lmao I never said .ml means Marxist-Leninist in general. I just suggested that’s why Dessalines and Nutomic - two proven Marxist-Leninists - might have chosen to use it. Many people use domains that have nothing to do with their actual intended use. YouTube often uses for shorter links, it’s nothing to do with Belgium which is what .be is intended for.

    Even if it isn’t true and it is just coincidence, it doesn’t take away from my point in the slightest that the original person I responded to seemed not very fond of communists at all, yet they seemed unaware their instance was run by two of them. Reactionaries may even call them “tankies”.

    You are an American who loves Texans team.

    I can’t help where I was born, sorry. And I was unaware that no communist can enjoy sports at all.

    go back to r/conspiracy or /pol/

    Why would I want to interact with such reactionaries?