👍Maximum Derek👍

Future winner of the Nobel prize in Minecraft

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Brands starting doing this in the 486 days to match customer expectation. In the 286 and 386 days it slowed the PC down to 8MHz. It was called turbo because it was 8088 Turbo mode, as the 8088 nominally operated at 4.7MHz.

    Source: Those of around since the 8088 days viciously mocked the brands that did this on newsgroups because they were catering to newbs… or whatever we called them back then.

  • Having worked in a lot of scrum teams in positions ranging from Jr Dev to CTO, I have become a huge proponent of scrum masters.

    1. The scrum setup is that way for a reason. The Stake Holders speak for the company, the devs speak for the infrastructure, the Scrum Master speaks for the process, and the PO is also there. And none do each others speaking jobs well. The process of scrum will tend to drift back toward dev burnout without a good SM.
    2. Devs shouldn’t be spending their time managing tickets, we should be developing. Backlog grooming, sprint ready ticket reviews, fighting with POs, stake holders, and Support, and fretting about velocity should be left to the scrum master.
    3. I will never again act as scrum master if I can help it.

    And in my experience a SM becomes a full time position at about 15 devs.