You have to first read that post first before you can get -1 new. As the site check for any new comment, the site will display negative number if the comment happens to be less than last time you read the post.
You have to first read that post first before you can get -1 new. As the site check for any new comment, the site will display negative number if the comment happens to be less than last time you read the post.
I checked and yours is random, so it’s just the type of post that attract minor amount of downvote. Just ignore it.
Last anime i watched is sometimes ago, imma just watch that ae86 drift from the side of the road.
Last manga though, it’s Ranger Reject, imma just evacuate and let the Dragon Keeper do all the work.
Yeah, still displayed “coming soon” for me
Most interesting, yes, but it’s mostly big sub bullying small sub, so this one is staying closer to the concept.
It happened in Malaysia some times ago, bitcoin miner using stolen electricity
1)Big score with up/downvote at the side, and also the ability to see the votes for everyone.
2)Big score and the ability to see the votes for everyone